Sounds like a Dr. Seuss book...

Yes, we actually had an owl on the reserve yesterday - a short eared owl to be precise. It was broad daylight and we got a fantastic view of it through the scope. It is a beautiful bird, with bright yellow eyes, a pale face and a golden flash in it's wings when it flies. No-one had a camera with them, but here's an idea of what they look like:

Mike Langman RSPB Images

The reserve is buzzing with spring wildlife at the moment. We have swallows zipping, cinnabar moths fluttering, whitethroats singing and razorbills honking. The reserve is completely covered in flowers right now as well, with birds foot trefoil, thrift, sea campion, tormentil, stonewort, sheeps bit and purple milk vetch liberally scattered across the slopes.

I am starting to advertise our 2012 sponsored walk, named 'Razorbill Ramble'. Do you fancy a 10 kilometre guided ramble around the Mull of Galloway, checking out the flowers, seabirds and views? Do you want to take on a challenge and raise much needed funds for our conservation work up here? If so, you can register for our walk on 5th August by phoning Ailsa on 0131 3174174, it would be great to see you.