It was a bit wet this morning, wasn't it?!

Unfortunately, because of the amount of water that is flowing through the brooks at the moment, the canal meadow is currently impassable and access to the wetlands is impossible.

To put the amount of water in perspective, Kate, the Warden  and myself took a walk to see how much water was on site, we managed to get through the canal meadow and onto the wetlands. However, we returned after about 30 minutes by the river and found the brook had gone up by over 8 inches and was still rising.

We will continue to monitor the situation and will re-post with any updates but if you need any further information, please ring the Middleton Lakes office.

Below, Kate gives an idea of how much water is on site (the seat on the bench was under water when we returned!)

Update, 12/02/14- The woodland is now even more flooded than it was yesterday and you would need a boat to get through the canal meadow. The water looks like it is still rising so please avoid accessing the wetlands until it is safe to do so, we will update when this is but as always, if you need anymore information, please contact the office.

On the plus side, access is still fine to the silt pool viewpoint to watch the Starling roost and a new bird tick for the woodland this morning in the form of a pair of Shelduck, just shows how wet it is!

Update, 13/02/14- The wooldand paths are still flooded and impassable.

We will continue to monitor the situation and update you when it is safe to access woodlands and wetlands.

Update, 17/02/14- The water has now receeded and the woodland and canal meadow are passable. There is still plenty of mud so wellies are essential and to get you all in the mood, there was a male Brambling on the feeders this morning, feeding and calling!