Sunday 25/05/2014

Wet Wet Wet

Do not fear, I am not going to start singing anything from the catalogue of the 80s heartthrobs.

I am in fact  talking about the weather.

The rain over the past few days has lead to some areas of flooding on site. The areas most affected are the Canal Meadow and the path to the Lookout.

At the moment the water in places is above welly depth. We therefore advise that you do not walk through any flooded paths.

We will keep you informed of the path situations via the blog.

Monday 26/05/2014

Out came the sun and dried up most of the rain!

Yes, yesterday's sunshine has helped to dry up the Canal Meadow a lot. The reserve is accessible, but there are still some puddles (approx. 5cm deep) along the Canal Meadow track so you still need to wear wellies.

There may be some areas around the reserve where the water is over wellie depth. Please be careful and don't walk through any areas which are flooded.

We will inform you of any changes to access via the blog.

Sunday 01/06/2014

Here comes the sun...

All this sunshine has been drying out the reserve nicely. There are still a few puddles, and a lot of mud, so wellies are still required.

The sunshine has also brought the birds out.  Sanderling, 4 Dunlin, 5 Ringed Plover and Garganey out on the reserve today = very nice!

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