Well I'm still struggling to find that elusive otter!!  I'm sure he sees me setting up the camera and then avoids that area.  I got very excited when I went and changed the camera card a few days ago and there were over 150 pictures covering 48 hours.  I thought I was going to see a lot of different wildlife but, no, it was nearly all of ONE muntjac deer who decided she was going to model for the camera.  She was obviously fascinated with this little black box that hadn't been there before.  She didn't even photo very well!!!  They were mostly blurred photos or she was too close.  I did catch a nice photo yesterday of a female muntjac.  She looks very photogenic.

There's been the usual squirrels, pheasants and blackbirds and there's been one or two mice running around at night.  Apart from that, there's nothing else to report on the camera front.

The banks alongside the footpath in canal meadow have now been seeded with a bee and butterfly mix.  Hopefully, the birds will leave some of the seeds to grow.  The sump in that area seems to be working well, filling up quite quickly after rain, creating a temporary pond.  As everything grows back in this area, it should look really nice and, hopefully, will attract a variety of wildlife.

The rest of the new footpath is progressing quite rapidly though you definitely need wellies by Fishers Mill where the contractors have been going up and down, creating wonderful mud baths!!  It shouldn't be too long till we can walk round the reserve in walking boots.