Still no luck with the otter but how artistic is this picture. I love the negative effect of the heron with the detailed reflection in the water.

I’d been scrambling through the undergrowth setting the motion camera up and was walking back to the office when I found this caterpillar on my neck!!!!

I believe it’s a type of hawkmoth.  I don't mind caterpillars but definitely don't want them down my neck.

Whenever I’ve been walking round the reserve recently, I've kept an ordinary camera to hand, hoping to capture Nature’s magic moments. I haven’t had a great deal of luck, more to me not being a great photographer – I keep getting the light all wrong. I did manage to get this great shot of a small copper butterfly.

The banded demoiselles are appearing by the dozen. There were loads of them alongside the river the other day. They have an amazing knack of taking off just as you’ve got your camera in focus.  This was the best I managed to capture.

The flowers round the reserve are really looking lovely at the moment with new ones making an appearance all the time, or so it seems.

The ramsons look like spectacular white carpets at the moment and the smell is amazing.  I think they are really pretty, delicate looking flowers.

Can you guess what this pretty white flower is? I certainly hadn't realized how pretty the flower is having never really got up close and personal.

It's cow parsley!!

As we're on white flowers at the moment, I noticed that the brambles have now started flowering.  I do enjoy the blackberry picking season out of which I make jam.

How amazingly different are those three flowers.  Isn't Nature clever!!!

I'll keep my camera to hand and keep trying to capture anything I can and will let you know if I get anything worth looking at.  I'll also keep you posted on the motion sensor cameras.