Our stargazing volunteer, Bob, suggests  ..... using a ‘Planisphere’ this month.  

Looking West to South and then to East, try to find in the night sky,  the Astronomical horoscope signs of ...

(from the West) Taurus (the star Aldebaran), Gemini (the stars Castor and Pollux), the star group Cancer  (slightly fainter than the previous constellations), and Leo rising in the East with its bright star of Regulus.  The head of Leo forms an arc in the sky called The Sickle.     No prizes - just have fun.

A challenge for this month is to add to data being collected for the measurement of the light pollution in areas across the UK.  The project known as 'Globe at Night' is requesting simple observations of the night sky in order to map the extent of light pollution around the world.
Participants are asked to compare the number of stars that they see in an easily recognised part of the sky, such as Orion or Leo, with online maps.
Nearly 17,000 people contributed to the 2012 campaign. To contribute your observations this year, visit www.globeatnight.org. Again no prizes - just have fun.

Also, we have been told that in May  there will be an International Astronomy Show, at the Warwickshire Exhibition Centre. More details via these links.

 Be safe, go with a friend or family and keep warm.