Visitors have asked us where they could see butterflies at Middleton Lakes.

One way is to look out for the wild flower food plants on which these butterflies land, settle and feed.

For those who may not know the wild flowers, please follow these links for a picture.  Thanks to UKwildflowers.

Birds-foot-trefoil, Bluebell, Bramble, Buttercup (meadow), Cowslip, Cuckooflower, Dandelion, Forget-me-not, Goat Willow, Greater Stitchwort, Green Alkanet, Hawk(beards)weeds, Hemp Agrimony, Holly, Ivy, Ragged Robin, Ragwort, Red Campion, Red Clover, Thistles, Vetches, Water Mint

Most butterflies will be found near Buddleias (Butterfly bush) which are scattered around the site.


Brimstone .......... Bluebell, Cowslip, Dandelion, Ragged Robin, Red Campion, Thistles, Vetches.

Comma .............. Bramble, Goat Willow, Hemp Agrimony, Ivy, Thistles.

Common Blue   ..Birds-foot-trefoil, Ragwort, Thistles, Vetches.

Dingy Skipper ......Birds-foot-trefoil, Buttercup, Hawk(beards)weeds, Ragged Robin, Vetches.

Gatekeeper ......... Bramble, Hemp Agrimony, Ragwort, Red clover, Thistles, Water Mint.

Green-veined White  ... Bluebell, Bramble, Buttercup, Cuckooflower, Greater Stitchwort, Ragged Robin, Ragwort, Red Campion, Thistles, Vetches.

Holly Blue  ..............Bramble, Buttercup, Forget-me-not, Holly, Ivy, Thistles, Water mint.

Large White ............Bluebell, Dandelion, Greater Stitchwort, Ragged Robin, Ragwort, Thistles.

Meadow Brown ......Bramble, Buttercup, Hemp Agrimony, Ragwort, Thistles.

Orange Tip  .............Bluebell, Bramble, Cuckooflower, Dandelion, Greater Stitchwort, Green Alkanet, Hawk(beards)weeds, Ragged Robin, Red Campion, Vetches.

Painted Lady  ..........Birds-foot-trefoil, Hawk(beards)weeds, Ivy, Ragged Robin, Ragwort, Red clover, Thistles.

Peacock  ..................Bluebell, Cuckooflower, Dandelion, Goat Willow, Hawk(beards)weeds, Hemp Agrimony, Ragwort, Thistles, Water Mint.

Red Admiral ............Bramble, Ivy, Hemp Agrimony, Thistles.

Small Copper .,....... Buttercup, Daisy, Dandelion, Hawk(beards)weeds, Ivy,  Ragwort, Red Campion, Thistles.

Small Tortoiseshell ........ Bramble, Dandelion, Hawk(beards)weeds, Hemp Agrimony, Goat Willow, Greater Stitchwort, Ivy, Ragwort, Thistles, Water Mint.

Small White  ............Birds-foot-trefoil,  Bluebell, Daisy, Dandelion, Greater Stitchwort, Hawk(beards)weeds, Ragged Robin, Ragwort, Red Campion, Thistles.

Speckled Wood  ..... Bramble, Cuckooflower, Dandelion, Ragwort.

 Thanks to Keith Warmington, Warwickshire butterfly recorder,  for these picture links.