One of the best sights on the reserve is of the birds feasting at the feeders.

The first dinner guests to arrive at the feeders are usually those greedy Great tits and Blue tits. Pairs of Goldfinches, House sparrows and Greenfinches join them, tucking into some tasty (so I’m told) sunflower hearts and nyjer seed. Great spotted woodpecker, Nuthatch and Treecreeper regularly call in to fill their bellies. Occasional sightings include Bullfinches, Bramlings, Lesser redpoll and Lesser spotted woodpecker.

Beneath the feeders, look out for Reed buntings, Chaffinches, Dunnocks and Blackbirds feasting on any dropped seed. You may, if you are lucky, even see a Water rail or a Muntjac deer getting in on the act.

Watch out for the Sparrow hawk which has been seen whizzing between the feeders in hope to catch a take-away meal. The last time I saw one, it went off empty handed, or should I say, clawed?

So if you are free, why not call in at the feeders for breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, supper or indeed any time to see what’s dining at Chez Middleton...?

 A greedy blue tit feasting on sunflower hearts.