There was a Little Stint & Curlew Sandpiper on Polly's Pool again today and up to 5 broods of Avocets are on the reserve.

Earlier this week I watched a pair of Avocets abandon their chick to launch a prolonged  attack on a female Mallard with 8 ducklings in tow who apparently posed no threat. When not attacking anything else that comes within their radar the Avocets relieve the boredom by squabbling amongst themselves.Couldn't help comparing these parenting skills with the local Canada and Greylag Geese and their creches. 

Oystercatcher chicks and at least one Black-headed Gull chick can be seen near Sandgrounder's Hide.  At Crossens outer marsh (on the edge of the Ribble) a Peregrine was gliding around and 4 female Eiders with 16 well grown ducklings were seen. There are lots of Black-tailed Godwits in wonderful summer plumage and at least 2 Sedge Warblers singing on the path to the hide.