After survey by our ex-warden this morning he sent in the following report.

"Highlights were 11 avocets, 2 little egrets & 20+ gadwall & the usual throng of black-tailed godwits, golden plovers, curlew, redshank, wigeon, teal, shoveler & pintail. Lots of lapwings are displaying - particularly pleasing to see them along the ditches dug out last summer. Black-headed gulls are busily setting up territories on Rainfords lagoon - let's hope they do well there again. Other stuff - 1 merlin, 2 peregrines on the saltmarsh, where numerous pink-footed geese are grazing. 2 great tits were calling along the Marine Drive at Crossens & 7 siskins & 110 house sparrows were along the counted along the seawall between the sewage works and Marshside Road."