On 22nd May a Purple Heron arrived on the marsh and delighted observers by standing at the back of Longrock Pool on the edge of the reedbed in full view as it proceeded to catch eels. This is our tenth PH here since the first in 1997 but they are becoming more frequent these days and actually nested for the first time in the UK just a couple of years ago. Still present the following day, it again showed well but since then it has moved across to the larger reedbed on the main marsh and although we think it is still here (seen daily up to 28th May) it is becoming more elusive and visitors need to have patience to see it. It is a beautiful bird though as Rod's photo attached shows, so well worth the effort if you are visiting. With one here for a couple of weeks last year we are optimistic this southern European species is becoming a more regular visitor to these shores - and Marazion in particular! STOP PRESS: After missing for a day or so it has been seen again - last on 5th June. It is probably still here!

Site Manager, Cornwall reserves