Our annual ringing programme in the hope of trapping an Aquatic warbler has started. This species is so rare these days, "globally endangered" even, that last year only one was trapped in the UK - near Lands End last autumn. It used to be a regular August/September visitor to Marazion which for some reason has always been one of the top sites in the UK for this declining species. Last year, however, we failed to catch any but the weather was unkind and we rely heavily on volunteers to undertake the ringing for us as neither Jen or I have the necessary licence which all ringers need from the BTO. So if you are passing please call in and if we have an Aquatic Warbler we will gladly show it off! You will need to be early though - ringing starts at dawn and may be over by 10am. Weather is crucial too and we are hoping for a warm south-easter with preferably rain just before dawn. Mark Grantham who organizes the ringing scheme here on our behalf caught this magnificent juvenile Cuckoo recently. Grateful thanks to Roger Salter for this excellent photo of the bird just prior to its release. Good birding!

Site Manager, Cornwall reserves