The second half of January into February brought with it some beautiful days at the reserve so it has been even more fantastic than usual looking out of the centre for anything that might pop in to say hello.      

We have, of course, been recording all sightings diligently with a view to bolster the ‘year list’ as much as possible in this bountiful time of the year and thankfully, the efforts of staff, volunteers and visitors have been rewarded with some great sightings.

Woodcock is a species that we see in winter more than other times of the year and we have had two sightings since the last blog, namely on 10 Jan at Lochlip road, on the way into the village, and secondly on 21 Jan flying over the visitor centre. It’s always a great sight to see – a bird I have only ever seen once up at Mugdock Country Park.


Woodcock, Mike Langman (


The Barr Loch has been as busy as ever with good numbers of waterfowl including 3 shoveler duck there on 17 Jan. In addition on that day there were 30 fieldfare seen in the reserve car park and a kestrel seen regularly over the road on 18 and 21 Jan, and then over the Aird Meadow on 25 and 31 Jan.

Shoveler, Mike Langman (


Scaup have frequented the reserve in the winter in recent years and specifically, Castle Semple Loch has been very fruitful for this species. Sightings were reported there on 19 Jan where there were 3 birds present. Thanks must go to Angus Murray, a stalwart of the reserve, who seems to see a scaup every time he sets up his scope! Well done Angus and thank you.

Scaup, Mike Langman (


One of the most exciting species to see ant the reserve at this time of the year is hen harrier and we are fortunate that often, at this time of year, we get a male bird hunting in front of the visitor centre over the Aird Meadow. This winter has been no different with male birds seen there on 19, 20, 26 Jan and 4 Feb over the Aird Meadow. On 21 Jan one was also reported over on the fringes of the Barr Loch.


It’s no great secret that stonechat is one of my favourite birds. I love their appearance, habits and call, and it is also one of my favourite RSPB pin badges (which I wear with pride!) Luckily, we tend to get more sightings of this charismatic species in the winter months too, and a male has been seen flitting from bulrush to bulrush on the Aird Meadow. I was fortunate enough to see the wee chap on 20 and 29 Jan, but I suppose chances are he has been there in between as well. Cracking bird.

Stonechat, Mike Langman (


One of the stand-out occurrences of this winter has been the good numbers of brambling seen on the reserve. 30 birds in Garthland Woods on 22 Jan was maintained on 24 Jan, with lots of visitors heading over to check out this beautiful Scandinavian migrant. The best was yet to come though with 130+ birds seen feeding on the Beech mast on the floor of the woods by the eagle-eyed Jason McManus. The woods provided another good sighting on 4 Feb in the shape of a nuthatch after we were treated to a real bonanza in the heavy snow on 29 Jan – notably 50 skylark and 40+ meadow pipit. A great day to be at the reserve.

Brambling, Mike Langman (


So, that’s it for now folks, the year list is currently sitting on 84, let’s hope it has crept up significantly upon reading the next issue!
