June began with the cool and wet weather that seems to have followed us throughout spring.  This unseasonable weather has meant that June was a mixed month for breeding birds on the reserve.  Some species such as blue tits seem to have struggled due to the lack of available food caused by the cold, damp weather.  However some nests were successful so there are still plenty of small birds around the reserve!  Mallards, however, seem to be thriving on the reserve and we have enjoyed watching several different family groups visit the feeders outside the visitor centre, giving us the chance to see them growing from tiny fluffy ducklings to almost adult-sized ducks. 

The month was notable for bringing several osprey sightings around the reserve, both at the Barr Loch (1st & 12th) and over the Aird Meadow loch (5th, 19th, 28th & 30th).  It is fantastic to get views of this stunning bird of prey, and it’s very encouraging that they continue to return to the reserve to fish.

Other interesting sightings during June included a water rail along the Dubbs trail on the 3rd, 4 gadwall on the pond on the 10th and a dipper feeding on the River Calder on the 13th.

June also brought plenty of sightings of our summer migrant species. Whitethroat was spotted in different areas of the reserve on the 8th, 13th & 20th, and on the 29th an adult with 3 juveniles was seen on the Aird Meadow.  Garden warbler was recorded on the 13th, 14th & 20th around the reserve, and there was also a record of a spotted flycatcher on the Aird Meadow on the 30th.  A willow warbler with 5 juveniles was spotted near the visitor centre on the 26th.

One final very unusual sighting for June was the appearance of 4 pink-footed geese on the Aird Meadow loch on the 5th.  Generally a winter visitor to the UK, this was the first sighting on the reserve since 2013 and quite unusual as generally records are simply of birds flying over the reserve rather than stopping off here. 

Here’s hoping for a drier and warmer July, giving us all the chance to get out and enjoy the beautiful wildflowers blooming around the reserve!