Starting from 24 February, work will take place to repair and resurface the worst section of the track - this will take around three days and is weather dependent, so we can't predict exactly when it will start - at the moment this is 24 Feb for around three days. What it does mean is that for the period of the work, the track will be completely closed, and with it access to the Visitor Centre.
Access to the Lochside hides remains open. Access on foot to Tower Pool and Dunbar hides should still be possible over the fields from near the Rookery, but please be courteous with your parking if you do this, and don't block the passing places on the roads around the site.
We will be progressing this work in stages as money becomes available - for now only the worst section is being replaced. There will still be plenty of potholes to be filled in on the rest of it for some time to come!