You can generally predict the arrival of a good new bird at Strathbeg- usually any time I'm at a meeting at the regional office and not on the reserve! This week it was this superb Avocet that dropped into the pools just outside the Visitor Centre on Tuesday mornning. Avocet are pretty scarce anywhere north of the border but we've had at least one at Strathbeg almost every year since 2002. Unfortunately by the time I got back from Aberdeen it had slunk away and hasn't been refound yet, but they often stay in the area for a day or two so watch this space. I've also just noticed while checking for the last Avocet record that the painstakingly proof-read and nearly finished 2012 Bird Report doesn't have an entry for Avocet despite one being seen that year. Back to the drawing board on that one...

Hopefully the Avocet (and the weekend's visiting Crane- seen on Sunday but not since) are signs that we're finally getting into spring. We've also seen our first summery birds of prey with a couple of Marsh Harriers passing though. No Osprey yet, but surely it's only a matter of time..?

Finally a thank you to everyone (visitors and stall holders) who came to the Craft Fair on Saturday. We've raised over £160 altogether and we're planning on using the money to build a new Toadstool Trail in the mini-woodland for young families and our school groups to explore.