The weather has definitely turned this week out on the reserve and it's been a few very cold days for everyone -even the office thermometer warned we were in danger of hypothermia today! The wardens have been keeping warm working on the pony corral and the fencing out on the low ground.The wardens have been keeping warming continuing to put the rails for the pony corral. The picture below is the view from the corral looking back towards the centre. The viewing gallery window is just under the right-hand most gable of the farm buildings.
Bird-wise, the highlights have been around 30 Greenland White-fronted Geese outside the centre this morning, with 4 European White-Fronted Geese, a race that breeds in very northern Europe rather than Greenland, and usually winters in the south of England reported as well. There was also been another appearance by our mystery owl- flushed from the side of the track as I left work this evening. Again, it's definitely either Short or Long-eared (although the fact that it's been seen in full darkness suggests probably Long-Eared) but none of us have managed to get up close enough to properly ID it yet.
The ponies are looking great, i miss them,...and all of the staff and volunteers too of course.