It has been the year of the whooper swan here at Loch of Strathbeg with our record count of 1599 in October.

Our latest count of pink-footed geese is 6979 which is fairly modest in comparison to past years, however the majority of the birds are using the low ground area of the reserve which means there are still some spectacular lifts to be seen! As well as pink-feet there have also been a few greylag and barnacle geese.

pink-footed geese. Video by Kat Suchecka

A ringtail hen harrier has been seen frequently over the past month and there have been regular sightings of bearded tits at Tower Pool hide.

There are also large flocks of lapwing and golden plover.

Other species of interest seen about the reserve are:


  • Little egret
  • Ruff
  • Mediterranean gull
  • Peregrine
  • Dunlin
  • Long-tailed duck
  • Red-breasted merganser
  • Velvet scoter
  • Slavonian grebe
  • Common sandpiper
  • Merlin