Here are some sightings from the Loch of Strathbeg reserve from the last fortnight. Dates shown are the most recent recorded for each species:
Greater yellowlegs. Photo by Kat Suchecka
- Greater yellowlegs (29/09/2021) - Arrived on 28/09/2021 and still present on Starnafin pools at time this blog was posted (16:30).
- Grey plover (29/09/2021)
- Little Egret (29/09/2021) - two birds seen daily over past week.
- Common crane (27/09/2021) - 3 birds, 1 adult and 2 juvenile, 9 birds seen on 22/09/2021
- Bearded tit (25/09/2021) - 2 birds seen from Dunbar Hide.
- Peregrine (22/09/2021)
- Little stint (21/09/2021)
- Juvenile black tern (21/09/2021) - seen at lagoon
- Juvenile little gull (21/09/2021) - seen at lagoon
- Pectoral sandpiper (16/09/2021) - 2 birds.
Pink-footed geese numbers are increasing over 500 birds seen on the Low Ground and more seen in the surrounding areas.