With the weather this morning (and afternoon) and the slightly strange behaviour of the geese over the past few days, we were a bit worried about our first Goosewatch of the season.We needn't have been concerned at all. In a change from Goosewatches in previous years we decided to head to the south end of the loch, where Emma and I have had big numbers of incoming geese in recent nights.
We were then treated to the strange and stunning spectacle of thousands upon thousands geese moving in and out of the low cloud before descending on the loch. The sound of a thousand geese that you know are overhead but that you can't quite see is something never to be forgotten! We even got a near eye-level flypast from a group of several hundred that lifted off the fields behind Rattray church. Our next Goosewatch is on Wednesday morning and we still have places. When we do goose cesus mark two tomorrow morning we'll know for definite where the biggest flocks of geese are moving and hopefully we'll have as good a few hours as we've had tonight.