Marsh Harrier have made a return to Strathbeg with an adult female arriving yesterday and was first seen by a couple who had driven up here from Wales in 1 day! The Harrier was seen again this morning but that was about it as the weather perhaps meant that it was not flying again today. It was viewable from the centre to the right of the tower.

Also coming back, and already making an appearance on the Photo Gallery, are the Sandwich Terns with a pair landing on the Starnafin Pools.

Also today though was a Common Tern, the first of which we saw on Friday, but this time it was a singleton on the pools.   Sorry for the photo quality...I'll try again in the next few days.

The Pink-footed Geese have largely left us now but there are a few remaining and a flock of 63 Barnacle Geese were on the fields with them.

Work wise, we are trying to crack on with surveys of Lapwing, Tree Sparrows and as much as we can do without the truck as some people are using it for their off-road driving course. It will be very interesting to see what shape the truck is in when it and they come back!

Supper time now but there's a quick taste of what's going on here!