Well, the week isn't over yet and still there is a chance of something else turning up.

First headline was the 2 Shore Larks that me, Diana, Ed and Robert found in the Lagoon on Monday. A new bird for all of us and one of those things that you just don't expect to see out of the truck window.

They were such special birds to us it's worth using Diana's photo again!

2 Avocets also and we actually have some waders that are hanging around with 2 Wood Sandpipers either on the Starnafin Pools or the Low Ground.

I've been having Yellow Wagtail headaches after I saw a Yellow Wagtail which could have been a very distant Blue-headed Wagtail but it hasn't been found again so who knows? Fortunately we have had a more traditional flavissima here too. I did take a photo said funny wagtial but it looks like a far away tennis ball so maybe it's not much use!

Our Marsh Harriers have been around as well and there are/were definately 2 birds here. There was also a stunning adult male Hen Harrier on Tuesday.

The Big Sit in the Visitors Centre yesterday produced 80 species and thanks to them I filled in one of my many holes in my life time birds as I finally saw my 1st Little Gull!

here is the listed highlights of the past week:

Shore Lark 2, Wood Sandpiper 2, Avocet 2, Yellow Wagtail 2, Pied Wagtial, Marsh Harrier 2, Hen Harrier 1, Whimbrel, Swift, Swallow, House Martin, Sand Martin, Dunlin 1, Ringed Plover 5+, Willow Warbler, Sedge Warbler, Redshank 1, Whooper Swan, Mute Swan, Osprey, Peregrine 1, Kestrel, Pochard, Little Gull 1, Black-headed Gulls, Arctic Tern, Common Tern, Sandwich Tern, Wheatear, Tree Sparrow, Barn Owl 1, Short-eared Owl.

And finally, could this green blur be the Northern Lights that we saw last night? Maybe...