(Marsh Orchid).

Well, I haven’t really been here much this week after having a few days down south and finishing off my Kittiwake monitoring at Fowlsheugh (for those interested there are still a few Puffins hanging around by the shelter and also a Great Skua) and I was under the impression that wasn’t a great variety of things here. It seems that I had missed a few good sightings. I’ve seen an Osprey most days around and here and that’s all I’ve seen.

In a brief summary, this week there has been: Avocet, Common Sandpiper, Ruff, many Curlew, 2 Whimbrel, many Lapwing, Velvet Scoter (out to sea), Slavonian Grebe (from the South End), a surprise Great Skua, Greenshank, Tree Sparrows, Siskins, Marsh Harrier and the Whooper Swans are still here!

In breeding bird news, Great-crested Grebe, Gadwall and more Mute Swan families are around.