The theme of this week is pretty similar to last week in that it's been fairly quiet.

This morning though was a highlight with the first Common Tern chicks appearing on the island ourside the visitors centre.

The pools were productive wader wise earlier in the week with 2 Greenshank and 2 Knot (one very much is Summer plumage) appearing briefly.

A Blackcap/Garden Warbler was heard on the reserve and it will probably remain as one or the other unless it's seen!

Barn Owls have been seen recently over  the marsh and the garden is being brightened up by some very smart Siskins.

A number of juvinile birds are appearing,  including Blue Tit and Pied Wagtail youngsters.

Here is a list of notables: Greenshank 2, Knot 2, Ringed Plover, Barn Owls, Siskins, Tree Sparrows, Whooper Swan 2, Pink-footed Goose 1, Barnacle Goose 1.