Highlights over the past week.

25th: 4 Dunlin and 4 Scaup from Tower pool hide. 2000 Wigeon from Fen Hide. 2000 Golden plover and a Chiffchaff at Rattray.

26th: A Woodcock flew over the Visitor centre. Dipper and Tree Creeper seen near Savoch burn. Water rail spotted on Mosstown Marsh. Female Stonechat spotted outside the Visitor centre.

28th; 47 Barnacle Geese our highest number for the week. 100 Common Gull from Tower Pool Hide.                                                                                          

29th: 2 White Snow Geese on the low ground. 2500 Pink-footed geese using Starnafin pools. Female Peregrine seen from Tower Pool Hide. A male bullfinch was spotted in the car park.

30th; A single Jack snipe was flushed up on Mosstown Marsh. Female Peregrine and 25 Shoveler seen from Visitor centre.     

 The Little Egret has been seen daily from the Visitor centre.

6000-8000 Pink-footed geese are regularly on the low ground producing spectacular views from Tower Pool Hide as they head off the reserve about 08.00.