Hello recent sightings fans!
After the weekend and Webs notables (2 Garganey, Bearded Tit, Green-winged Teal) Monday kicked off well with a Glaucous Gull outside Fen Hide.
Elsewhere, my favourite bird of the moment, the Short-eared Owl who I’ve come to think of as Patch due to its missing feathers from its right wing, has made more intermittent appearances as has the ringtail Hen Harrier.
Another less than regular bird on the reserve which I feel is worth a mention is a Starling which has a very good Buzzard call in its mimicking repertoire.
One thing I found in the pile of fence posts which at first looked like a mini cucumber or watermelon but in the turned out to be a Leopard Slug. It didn’t move as fast as the birds so that’s why I have a photo of it!
The weekly birds in summary are: Glaucous Gull 1, Bearded Tits, Short-eared Owl 1, Hen Harrier 1, Tufted Ducks, Wigeon, Teal, Mallard, Red-breasted Mergansers, Goosanders, Goldeneye, Grey Heron, Pink-footed Geese, Greylag Geese, Tree Sparrow and many more!