Report by Matthew Smith & Christine Hall.
Visit to the hides on Monday 17th for the weekly clean included sightings of Great Crested Grebe (2), Red Breasted Merganser (4), Goosander (2), Bean Goose, Scaup (2) Hooded Crow, Whitefronted Goose and a surprised Ermine on the broadwalk to Fen Hide.
5.30am start on Tues 18th for early morning goose count got 21, 700 pink footed geese currently roosting on the reserve. WeBs highlights included:
1 White fronted goose
54 Barnacle Geese
3 Great crested grebes (two in breeding plumage)
1 Bar tailed godwit
6 Goosander
9 Gadwall
115 Teal
8 Grey herons
135 Wigeon
5 Water Rail (heard)
61 Whooper Swans
1 Scaup
81 Tufted Duck
1 Long tailed duck
2 Snow geese
24 Shelduck
8 Moorhen
26 Oystercatcher
59 Mallard
4 Red breasted merganser
Whitefronted Goose was still around on 19th along with a Black Tailed Godwit seen from Visitor Centre.
Great views of a female goosander ‘snorkelling’ in front of the visitor centre wed 19th morning and a count of 750 jackdaws/rooks from rookery woods. Later in the day a Snipe was spotted on the low ground with 10 Greylags flying down on to the loch at dusk.
First Ruff of the year was seen from VC on 21st (and is still here) along with 2 Ringed Plover. By the weekend another 5 had joined them making a total of 7. Number of Redshank have increased and can be seen from every hide.
A lot going around at the weekend, including a White Tailed Sea Eagle from Bay Hide (thanks to Tony Davis for the photo!) Little Grebe in front of Fen Hide. A quick touch down of 3 Garganey in front of the VC before taking off again. Also from VC a Little Gull in amongst 440 Black Headed Gulls and of course daily sightings of the Little Egret.
10 Snipe and 4 Jack Snipe flushed when going out on the marsh to check on the reserve ponies this week.
Two trips down to Rattray last week included sighting of at least 45 Great Northern Divers and 20 Red Throated Divers. And from the pool a Ruff, 2 Grey Plovers and a flock of 1500 Golden Plover . A single Snow Bunting in the dunes.
(Thanks go to Matt and Christine, who reach the end of their time as residential volunteers this weekend; it's been a pleasure working with you both!)