We've managed to get through our first weekend without Dominic's guiding hand without too much going horribly wrong (the visitor centre was still standing when I left at 5 this afternoon anyway...). Although the birding has been reltively quiet we did have a brief reappearance of the Rough-legged Buzzard early Saturday afternoon and a lovely fly-past from the Hen Harrier on the Saturday evening Goosewatch.
With the clocks going back the geese are now leaving the reserve a little earlier in the morning. we're also getting what seems like another increase in numbers, with several thousand lifting off the low ground and over the tower at about half past eight this morning. There's a video of this morning's gooseflock at http://twitpic.com/7874yr It's a bit inexpertly filmed on my small camera, but it give you an idea of what a morning can be like.
We've still got room on tomorrow morning's Goosewatch so do come along if you've got a few hours free before breakfast!