After the beautiful (if slightly un-seasonal) weather last week, the snow on Monday morning was a bit of a shock to the system! Luckily we only got a light covering at Strathbeg, which thankfully didn't hang around for long, meaning reserve work could continue as planned...
The main task this week on the reserve is to continue with some hedge rescue work, which involves replanting one hedge line and lot of mulching on the others! This afternoon we started the replanting section of the task, planting a fairly impressive 30m section of hedge line – only a fair few metres left to go tomorrow…
Hedge planting in action....
Despite the wintery conditions this week, we have started checking for signs of breeding lapwing out on the low ground, from the vantage point of tower pool hide. Although there was little lapwing activity today, we had some excellent views of the young male hen harrier hunting over the marsh, with the soundtrack of a water rail squealing in the background….not a bad way to spend the morning!
Also on view from tower pool hide were good numbers of wigeon and teal, 3 ringed plover, redshank and 10 oystercatchers (to name just a few) and the short-eared owl also made a welcome appearance in front of the centre this afternoon.
The greater yellowlegs is still on the reserve, it was seen first thing on the pools in front of the centre, but has proved to be a little elusive since. There’s been no further sightings of the Ross’s goose down at Rattray, but we’ll keep you updated on any further reports.