Not the best weekend to be out and about and, unfortunately, the rain meant a low turnout at both of our weekend events- at Haddo Country Park for BioBlitz on Saturday and at Portsoy for the Scottish Traditional Boat Festival in Sunday. Hopefully everyone who did come had a good time- we showed a lot of people the new Hidden Strathbeg videos (via slightly unhelpful Netbook!) and definitely encouraged a few families to come and visit us when we start Wild Kids events in the summer holiday.

The BioBlitz also recored at least 200 species for Haddo Country Park- not a bad count but one that was obviously much lower due to there being no butterflies (and not that many birds) braving the rain. We did have lovely views of Red Squirrel on the drive up to the house, and Otter and Osprey were both spotted around the pond.

There will be other BioBlitz events in the region over the summer and we'll be runing our own mini BioBlitz across the weekend of the 7th & 8th July so come along and see how many species you can discover around the reserve in a single day.

On the reserve we've had a couple of new birds added to the yearlist with Grey Wagtail and Lesser Redpoll both reported by visitors over the weekend. A bit of housekeeping to see if Grey Wagtail had already been reported also shows that we've managed not to put Pied Wagtail on the list either, so that takes us up to 158.