This morning staff and volunteers were out on the reserve for the August Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS). The weather wasn’t at its best (I'm sure it's meant to be summer!) and we all returned ever so slightly wet, but with a good list of sightings!
After adding up the totals there are some pretty impressive numbers of waders around the reserve including 6 greenshank, 13 ruff, 22 Dunlin, 20 redshank, 10 little stint, 110 ringed plover, 30 bar-tailed godwit, 22 knot, 2 turnstone, 12 sanderling, 2 spotted redshank and 2 wood sandpiper.
It seems the wet weather might not make for ideal counting conditions, but is good for waders.
The lagoon and tower pool hide are definitely the best places for wader spotting at the moment!
Other numbers of note this morning were 201 mallard, 458 mute swan, 261 tufted duck, 200 goldeneye, 190 coot and 8 great crested grebes. Pomarine skua, great northern diver and sandwich tern were all recorded offshore and although a check of the plantation proved it to be fairly quiet, it did produce a nice record of a long-eared owl.
We also say goodbye to Catherine and Hilary today - it’s their last day with us as residential volunteers and we hope they’ve enjoyed their stay at Strathbeg (despite the slightly rainy end!).
....summer birding at it's best!