Despite the really terrible weather last night, we've escaped any serious snow here at Strathbeg. There's been just a scattering of what's more like frozen hail than proper snow that's lying in the colder parts of the reserve. The temperature has still been pretty low and the small birds on the reserve have been looking for food anywhere they can find it. There were large number of tree sparrows on the feeder outside the visitor centre windows this morning along with Great Tit, Blue Tit, a Coal Tit, Greenfinch, Goldfinch and Chaffinch. Later in the day one of our regular visitors caught sight of the flock of Bearded Tit in the reedbed near the tower. While they've been hanging around the reserve most of the winter it's very unusual to see them away from their usual spot near Fen hide.

There's been a number of ducks coming close in on the shallower and unfrozen pools this weekend with this male Goldeneye in front of the Visitor Cente and a lovely female Red Breasted Merganser right outside Fen Hide this afternoon.

The small birds on the feeders have been attracting an obviously hungry female Kestrel. These are usually much better at hunting small rodents than birds but this one has had a couple of optimistic swoops at the feeder although with no luck so far. We've had at least two different Hen Harriers this weeked and two different Short-eared Owls. The best owl view this weekend though was just off the reserve with 'Patch'- the owl with the missing wing feathers- hunting right next to the Crimond Road as I drove back from Fen Hide this afternoon, finally settling barely three feet away from the car to eat a vole. Typically my camera was still in the office but it was a great way to finish the weekend!

I've had my first two trips of the year to our twoclifftop reserves at Troup Head and Fowlsheugh and there are new blogs (and pictures of some of the first returning gannets) at the Troup Head blog and the Fowlsheugh blog, including your chance to help us out with our work at Troup Head this summer. If you're interested in helping us protect our seabirds then please think about signing our Marine Pledge or pick up one of the leaflets next time you're in the centre.