The otter seems to have found Kinnordy again in the last couple of weeks, and is being seen relatively frequently. Most sightings are from the Gullery hide where the black headed gulls alert us to the intruder with their characteristic way of going silent and all rising from the bogbean to fly over and mob the intruder.

Despite the added stress this must have on the small colony there are still black headed gull chicks about, and many birds still on nests, so I am looking forward to the first young fledging soon.

There are also two mute swan families about, one in Swamp lochan, the other on the eastern edge of the main loch. The two broods of greylag geese are still around also, it seems they are most easily seen towards dusk in the small field on the northern side of the reserve (across from Swamp hide)

Marsh harrier are also being seen frequently. There are two present at the moment, one male one female, both immature.

Many of the ducks are now going into eclipse, making them harder to identify - a good time to challenge your ID skills! There are shoveler, mallard, gadwall, wigeon and teal about on site though. A brood of tufted duck was seen last week, but they seem to be keeping themselves well hidden.

Of course the osprey is still a daily visitor, and one that many folk think it well worth waiting to see.

If you fancy hanging around a little later in the evening, starlings are beginning to come into the reserve to roost, and can generally be seen about 8.30 - 9ish. On Wednesday the marsh harrier was seen to flush them from there roost and hunt for dinner - spectacular!