Site manager Hannah is off having a well-deserved break in Australia for the next couple of months, but all the regular Loch of Kinnordy volunteers will be keeping an eye on things at the reserve for her. They are joined by Iain Malzer, a Glasgow University student who is splitting his time between Loch of Kinnordy and the East Scotland Sea Eagle project and is letting me know the most recent sightings from the hide so we can keep the blog updated and please do let us know your sightings via the blog and keep posting your photos.


On the 9th September there was a flock of 24 snipe opposite the Swamp hide. A water rail was also seen, a female marsh harrier, two pairs of shoveler and some wigeon. The water rail was seen again on the 13th.


Iain will be out doing the first WeBs (Wetland Bird Survey) of the year this Sunday, this is a national scheme that monitors non-breeding waterbirds in the UK, providing data that helps conservation of their populations and informs our management of wetland habitats such as Kinnordy. Around 3000 volunteers nationwide participate in synchronised monthly counts through the autumn/winter.


At this time of year wader migration is in full flow and geese numbers are building so it will be interesting to see what turns up at Kinnordy over the weekend.