This week saw the first true signs of autumn, leaves have just started turning and the wetlands are becoming more and more exciting. Osprey numbers are down to the odd sighting, meaning they have journeyed south on their way to central Africa. Thank you Thomas Jolliffe for sending in this osprey photo, they are hard to capture way out on the fence posts!

Another great photo sent in this week is a marsh harrier being harassed by crows sent in by Alex Gilfillan.  

Other sightings over the past few days include: lots of lapwings, a greenshank, a water rail, long tailed tits (in the larches), a buzzard, pochards, peregrines, a Slavonian grebe, pintails, a sparrowhawk, whooper swans. We've also had plenty of butterflies around; commas, small coppers and red admiral. Dragonflies have been whizzing around the centre and sunning themselves on the warm benches in the picnic area.


Whooper swans - Paul Ashcroft (

Keep us posted with your sightings by dropping into the visitor centre!