It's official. First breeding record of Little Ringed Plover for Loch Leven.

Last Thursday (30th), four Little Ringed Plover chicks hatched, and by mid-morning the little white blobs could be seen darting about after the adult birds, on the small island at the back of the Carden Flood. A bit of patient watching has been rewarded with good some views of the adults and chicks over the last couple of days, and I'm glad to report that all 4 chicks are still with us, now looking more like little Little Ringed Plovers even; with around 20 days until they fledge, it's going to be a testing time for the chicks, and a nervous time for the staff, as they (the chicks) run the gauntlet of predatory crows and gulls.

With June now upon us, it won't be long until Gadwall, Shoveler, Shelduck and Tufted ducklings begin to appear around the loch. On the Carden flood, some of the drake Shovelers, Wigeons and Mallards are looking a bit off-colour, as they start their summer moult.

                                 Barn Swallow                                 © Stuart Gillies

Other hatchlings that we can look forward to seeing soon are Swallows in their nest in the rafters of the covered passageway. A pair of Spotted Flycatchers has (have?) been seen examining nestbox B4, near the Visitor's Centre, as a potential nesting site, so we're keeping our fingers crossed.

                             Spotted Flycatcher     Andy Hay (