Amazing light for detail today on the frozen loch and we had a great array of sightings with pretty frosty scenes like this:

and this...

In the bay we had a greenshank, two redshanks and a dunlin. Over the loch we had peregrines and a stonechat was seen on the fence posts on the wetland trail. Five long tailed ducks,  a hundred and fifty gooseanders and a male scaup were spotted on the loch. There was also a ruff over on St.Serfs island. 

At the cafe feeders we had seven tree sparrows, lots of goldfinches, greenfinches and chaffinches. The nestbox volunteer team have begun their winter work of cleaning out and assessing which birds used which nestboxes this year. We'll let you know when we have the results!

Finally, one more frosty one for luck!