Hot off the press!

Our Little Ringed Plovers have had a second brood. Three tiny chicks were spotted running around with the two adults today, on the same island where the original nest was located. The adults are fearless little birds, chasing off Curlews, Lapwings and Greylag Geese that got in the way of the scurrying chicks.

As well as the ever present Lapwings, large flocks of Curlews have been gathering on the reserve to begin their autumn moult. Sightings of Snipe and Redshanks, both of which breed on the reserve, have been common.

Now is a good time to keep an eye out for waders as they begin to return to their wintering grounds. The pair of Black-tailed Godwits hung around until the middle of the month, and a Common Sandpiper visited the Carden Flood on the 14th, 15th and 18th. It's now getting to the time for Southern Dunlin to gather, prior to southward migration, and two were seen yesterday (21st), with four seen today (22nd). A Greenshank was spotted yesterday, and again today.

          Dunlin                                                                                       Andy Hay (

        Greenshank                                                                              Andy Hay (

Throughout the month, large numbers of Tufted Ducks have been gathering on the Flood in the afternoons, with up to 2000 present on the 7th.

Walking along the bunds to the hides, Sedge Warblers have been singing from every bush, while over the reserve, Skylarks have been ever present, as have the constantly twittering Swallows.

Finally, an Osprey was seen several times today, flying over the loch.