The geese performing a fly-by for photographers



After the success of our Goose photography course and Dawn goosewatch this week, Vane Farm will be putting on 4 more goosey events during the week of the 15th of October.

Despite somewhat iffy weather yesterday and today, our perfectly-trained geese performed well for the visitors, and we hope to re-create the spectacle for more groups very soon.

Come along and join us at sunrise and sunset as RSPB staff guide you through the goose activity (and whatever else they come across). We're running two dawn goosewatches on the Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th, complete with tea/coffee and a roll, and two dusk goosewatches on Tuesday 18th and Thursday 20th, including tea/coffee and biscuits in the hide. Each event has only 10 places to ensure the best experience for visitors. Check out the events section or get in touch with the reserve for more information.

 Sunrise over Loch Leven - come and join us to see it for yourself