Finally, it's here!

The Kinross Glossy Ibis finally made an appearance for our cafe visitors yesterday. Excellent viewing was had by all those lucky enough to drop in for lunch.

** The latest news is that it is back today, in front of the Gilman hide. Good viewing over the Easter weekend has been promised. **

In addition, the extension to the Heritage Trail opens today, completing the circuit around the loch. There is absolutely no link between these two events, nor any truth to the rumour that the Ibis was released by an interested party keen to reintroduce the species to Scotland.

Our two Little Ringed Plovers have been seen regularly around the Carden Flood, and even spotted mating, which bodes well for another nest this year. The Lapwings continue to perform constantly. Nine nests have been identified, of which seven remain.

There are still largish flocks of 300-400 Pink-footed Geese around, and eleven Whooper Swans were on the Carden Flood on the 14th.

The new part of the Heritage Trail now gives visitors a great opportunity to see more of the reserve. For instance, at the large pool in the field just before the cottage, six Black-tailed Godwits in glorious summer plumage were seen yesterday.

     Black-tailed Godwit            Photo: Omar Runolfsson (licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License).

Also, if you are visiting RSPB Loch Leven, it is worth a walk along to the new Viewpoint feature, on the little hill at the south west corner of the reserve, which affords a fantastic view back over the whole of the RSPB reserve.

Finally, further to my blog post of 10th April, it would seem that we have been totally misled, and the new bikes for the staff to get around are bicycles; cycling proficiency tests have been scheduled!