Richt then here we go.  Apairt fae a pickly odd days it seems summer hiz deserted us a bit recently, hope it’s nae gonnae be a waash oot summer again? Certainly dreich lookin oot the windae the noo ne’er mind the sun will be back at some stage nae doot

The reserve is lookin fair lush at the minute which helps tae provide some guid cover fur awe the wader “n” ducklin broods scootin aboot the place.It’s been a better breedin year oan the reserve fur Peewits, that’s an auld scots name fur lapwing in cas ye didnae ken?. It’s derived fae the soond they mak when they call, if yiv heard them ye’ll see the connection. We also hiv a few Redshank ”n” Oystercatcher broods scoufing aboot as weel. It’s also the time “o” year when birds gan intae moult post breedin and look a bit oan the mankie side as they cast worn feathers then regrow new yins. Come aroond August time they shid be startin tae look a bit mair like normal tho.

When you get roond tae readin this this years Sea eagles will be safely ensconced in the release cages in Fife hivin flown in tae Edinburgh airport afore gettin taen tae the release site. This is the fifth lot tae arrive fae Norway and come August they will be released tae grace the skies ower East Scotland. Some oh ye micht hiv seen Iain Malzer oor long term volunteer at Vane when yiv been in. Iain hiz been a big help in trackin sea eagles ower the last eight months or so along wi helpin oot in the centre and oan the reserve, by the time ye read this he will hiv departit back tae hiz hame habitat in the west, tho he is gawn tae Ecuador sane wi his Uni so that will be a big hardship fur him aye right! Onywey  guid luck tae him “n” thanks fur awe the help.

The work oan the new wetland will also be startin sane which will be a big improvement for the waater management oan the reserve and a lot better fur the birds as weel. If yer visitin please bear wi us durin this time we will dae oor best tae mak yer visit as guid as we can tho a bit “o” inconvenience will be inevitable so apologies in advance. Mind ye micht quite like seeing big shiny diggers (boys “n” toys “n” stuff) fur the guys onywey!

Ta ta till  next time
