Oh my, another week. How many rosettes did Tweed win at the agility contest? Check Patriciat's late post on last week's blog to find out! Congratulations Tweed and Patriciat!
GeorgeG nice chat, thank you. Very encouraging for Patriciat and HilaryH
Anyone know if any Ospreys have been seen in Spain or South of France on their back?????
Hallo again, Seems like I'm on here all the time so far this week. Nice to see you Cirrus: hope you got Alan's link to work okay. Margobird: Get better soon. Hi George: Assume Muddy Boots's "tablet" is chocolate? Must get started - take care all.
Annette : Tablet is not chocolate, it is a traditional Scottish sweet. This link will explain how it is made:
Cirrus: There have been some sightings in the South of France but as there are some over wintering ospreys there it is hard to tell if they are any migrating birds yet .
Alan: Wow! That looks evil. But how could you go wrong eating anything with condensed milk in it. Wonderfully detailed recipe full of helpful hints. George? Are you up for this? If so, prepare to send packages across the pond!
Oh, thanks Alan.
Off to work now.
Just edited this post
FYI folks, according to the chat on Phoebe's page, Sassy was tentatively scheduled to fledge yesterday, but hasn't yet - just saw Sassy and she doesn't look like she's going anywhere for a while. Hmmm....
Have been watching the Hummers on & off all day, and they do look cosy in there together. Sassy is nowhere near to fledging , surely?
Pleased some of you will have a go at the recipe I posted- it is indeed very easy, you don't even need a food mixer, just a spoon. Have discovered that for 4 oz of something, you can just substitute 100 grams by the way. If you are a real ginger lover, put in a half a teaspoon more of the ginger mentioned as its only a gentle flavour really.
weather here in the Highlands very changable today. Forecast for tomorrow is heavy snow. now that it is mid Feb it doesn't get dark till after 5 pm
ANNETTE you will have guessed by the recipe that tablet is incredibly sweet. Dread to think how many calories are in it. it varies a lot but if you get a nice smooth tablet it is delicious. We always get some at house of Bruar on the way to visit my Mum. It is a good job that Bruar is 80 miles away so we cant be tempted too often!!!!!
Radiators back on now so we are a stage nearer completion
Margobird: so sorry to hear that you are under the weather, but glad to hear that you went to the doctors, very sensible as it had got onto your chest. Hope that the antibiotics do their trick ok. & you feel lots better soon. Keep warm. Give that man of yours a big hug from us All, for being such a great OH!!!!!
Great to hear that you are a bit nearer to the finish,dibnlib. Decorating is such a bore, but nice when its all done!
Is the tablet similar to the sort of thing you can buy in the Lake District??