The Osprey Chat Thread For March 2013

So March has arrived and this is the month when the ospreys will arrive back at their nests. There is a huge amount of anticipation for the season ahead.

For Loch Garten there are so many questions. Will EJ be first back as is usually the case? Will we see Blue XD at Loch Garten this year?

More recently we have had the Caledonia effect. The VAP team went out to Seville and managed to find Caledonia's wintering quarters. In the process they forged links with two local osprey loversin the form of Murat and Roberto. This was an extemely welcome development.

It will be interesting to see if Lady makes it back for yet another season.

Although it turned out very sad for Dyfi in 2012 the Ceulan effect will not be forgetten any time soon.

5N (04) will presumably get back to Rutland to find that she is a widow once again. What she will not know is that two of her offspring made it back last year which is quite an achievement.

Rutland are also publishing a new osprey book on 14th March 2013

Excitement is at fever pitch.


  • Unknown said:

    Do we know someone in Canterbury, New Zealand? There's also a red dot on the map there.  

    That was a point of interest some months ago. First we had one hit from New Zealand and then quite a lot more and it has gone on ever since. I was really puzzled as there are no ospreys in New Zealand as far as I know.

    Then finally I discovered someone from New Zealand who posts on Dyfi Facebook. She apparently accounts for one of the hits from New Zealand.

    We also had a hit from Buenos Aires. I am aware of a poster from Buenos Aires and I think that she may be reason for that hit.

  • jsb said:

    We got a hit from Kingston St Vincent on our data website today. I wonder who that might have been?

    It is Mary GK I think, on her cruise holiday.

    [/quote]LOL Tiger and I were both a bit tongue in cheek there jsb as we knew it would be Mary :) Strangely the hit seems to have disappeared without trace. No sign of it now.

  • ChloeB said:
    Strangely the hit seems to have disappeared without trace. No sign of it now.

    Yes it will reappear either later today or tomorrow as a red dot.

    The yellow dots are ones on the list and that is limited to 11 I think.

  • Yes of course. I always expect them to change to red the following day.

  • Still stormy weather Gibraltar. It promises to be similat until Tuesday (12th March).

    Ah well maybe a rush then.


  • Wonder when the camera will be switched on.

  • ChloeB said:

    We got a hit from Kingston St Vincent on our data website today. I wonder who that might have been

    It is Mary GK I think, on her cruise holiday

    [/quote]LOL Tiger and I were both a bit tongue in cheek there jsb as we knew it would be Mary :) Strangely the hit seems to have disappeared without trace. No sign of it now


    Could that mean she is on the Ventura and not back unril 22/3? will we cope??!!.

  • Well I have one thing to say Yes it probably is Mary and I am disappointed that some-one going on your site Tiger, you make public?? We do not know for sure but a good educated guess.

    edit did not make public but the implications are there and think Mary will be extremely hurt when she reads this.

  • Why on earth should Mary be hurt B&B? We have a hit map on the index page of our site. Anyone can see where the hits are by clicking on the map. I imagine Mary would laugh rather than be upset by it, she has made no secret of where she has gone for her hols now has she?

  • Maybe so Chloe and thoughts made it public and you are probably right she will not mind. What I am saying is you do not know and none of us do..We should not ASSUME. she probably is ok but we do not know :) Yes hits but Mary publicly named. You should be able to look without being named that is all I am saying :)

    edited as repeated.