Osprey sightings 2013

France , Landes :

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013
Marais d'Orx
(Générique) / Orx (40)
2 Ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) [Yohann Montane ]

  • Alan. Just found this on the SoS site. 

    26 Sep 2013 Osprey goes to the opera

    An osprey over Glyndebourne at 4pm today. Looked very much like a juvenile and noticeable was a missing innermost secondary feather on its right wing. Soared in low circles over fields, drifted off in a north westerly direction. Of interest to me was that I had pulled over in the exact same spot last spring to see an osprey, this flying in the opposite direction. Let us hope they steer clear of that turbine.

    Posted on 26 Sep 2013 by James Grover

    Where did we have one the other day with a missing primary?.

    UPDATE> previous page, one at Thorney Island.

  • There was an osprey at Leighton Moss on 22/9 which seems to have been overlooked too. link here

  • Hi Shane w

    Hope this may be of assistance.Here is link to Devon sightings

    It would be good to record it here ,it is always helpful to describe how and when you saw the sighting .


  • Thank you for posting SHANE, and welcome!

  • 27/09 13:59  CHESHIRE : Osprey, Wigg Island  [S]

    one late morning then flew east (11:30)

    27/09 15:19  KENT : Osprey, Bough Beech Reservoir  [S]
    flew south early
    afternoon; also 2 Grey Plovers present (13:10)

    27/09 17:23  CARMARTHEN : Osprey, Burry Port  [S]
    one flew over heading
    southeast at 11:15 (11:15)

    27/09 21:16  SOUTH YORKSHIRE : Osprey, Hatfield Moors  [S]
    fishing again at
    Prison Lakes mid-morning (09:15)

    27/09 22:39  HAMPSHIRE : Osprey, Fawley Reservoir  [S]
    one (15:00)

  • 27/09 12:00 DEVON : Osprey, Lopwell Dam. It flew from Blindwell woods across the river Tavy straight above my head and then flew up river. I have known that an Osprey has been a regular visitor to the lower parts of the river Tavy (Warleigh Woods, Lopwell Dam) area for the last 4-5 years. I first spotted it myself 2 years ago in the very same place I have been spotting it this year. Thanks people for the welcome, and Rachel yes spotted this one yesterday, and have spotted it again today, and got a better photo today than yesterday. Would love to see one dive and catch a fish. Can anyone point me in the right direction as I am still learning to identify birds at the moment mainly birds of prey, I have books but still unsure sometimes, where is the best place online where people will help you to id them?

  • Hi Shane

    Did you look at the DEVON link I gave you earlier?  there is a load of information on there, also a Local Forum and groups for South Devon and Plymouth. They look as though they are an informative bunch and would ,I am sure ,be interested in your sighting.

    As you will discover everyone, on these threads, have a vast knowledge and are most welcoming and helpful, as you see, Doggie has given you some good pointers.



  • French migration watch point Col d'Organbidexka:

    26th September : 4 ospreys.

  • 28/09 13:42  WILTSHIRE : Osprey, Liddington Hill  [S]

    two being mobbed by a crow as they flew east near M4 at SU213810 (10:32)

    28/09 22:18  DEVON : Osprey, Ernesettle  [S]
    one flew down the river this morning (08:30)

  • French migration watch point Col d'Organbidexka:

    27th September : 3 ospreys