Osprey sightings 2013

France , Landes :

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013
Marais d'Orx
(Générique) / Orx (40)
2 Ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) [Yohann Montane ]

  • Not intending to be aggressive, Noisette, and I'm really sorry if it comes across that way. I don't want to go into personal medical details in public, but I genuinely can't help how things come across sometimes. Please be tolerant of my disability.

    I just like to keep the facts straight. Birds ringed by other ringers aren't Roy's, and it causes unnecessary confusion to refer to them as such. He just happens to be the person who, for historical reasons, still distributes the UK rings. Someone has to, or there would be all sorts of confusion. It doesn't make it his project. If it was, he _would_ have all the details, and getting information would be so much simpler.

    Which said, reporting sightings to Roy is absolutely the right thing to do, and I never suggested otherwise. If he doesn't have the data himself, he will at least know who had that particular ring and be able to pass the query to the right person. Getting answers from some of the other ringers is another matter unfortunately, even for Roy. Best not to go there.

    It is equally correct and appropriate to report sightings to the BTO, however. As far as I understand things - and I'm on slightly less certain ground here - they are the central authority for UK ringing, including actually licensing the ringers.

    The important thing, which we all agree on, is that sightings of ringed birds get reported to one or the other, and not just hidden away on - at best - local sightings websites. Without that, there is no point ringing birds in the first place.

  • 29/09 12:32  CORNWALL : Osprey, Hayle Estuary  [S]

    still this morning

    29/09 15:19  DEVON : Osprey, Bowling Green Marsh RSPB  [S]
    one from viewing
    platform mid-afternoon (15:00)

    29/09 18:17  SOUTH YORKSHIRE : Osprey, Hatfield Moors  [S]
    one this afternoon

    29/09 22:00  OXFORDSHIRE : Osprey, Radley GPs  [S]
    one today

  • 30/09 08:50  SUFFOLK : Osprey, Landguard NR  [S]

    one flew south early morning

    30/09 16:23  NORFOLK : Osprey, Colney GPs  [S]
    one viewable from beside horse stables (13:55)

    30/09 18:59  CORNWALL : Osprey, Kennack Sands  [S]
    one mid-afternoon

    30/09 20:28  HAMPSHIRE : Osprey, Dibden Bay  [S]
    one late afternoon

    30/09 22:38  CORNWALL : Osprey, St. John's Lake  [S]
    one then flew south

  • So glad these last few days have been mild. Quite possibly some of these birds are juveniles who have,hopefully, been practicing their fishing.

  • Alan. One at Thorney yesterday,29/10 and it is the one with missing primaries.

  • Thanks Mike, still a few about.

    01/10 14:09  HERTFORDSHIRE : Osprey, Amwell GPs  [S]

    one west over Hollycross Lake

    01/10 16:40  HERTFORDSHIRE : Osprey, Amwell GPs  [S]
    still mid-afternoon

    01/10 16:45  CAMBRIDGESHIRE : Osprey, Hemingford Grey  [S]
    one flew from
    Marsh Lane GP towards Fen Drayton late afternoon

    01/10 17:36  EAST SUSSEX : Osprey, Rye Harbour NR  [S]
    one early

    01/10 21:05  WEST SUSSEX : Osprey, Thorney Island  [S]
    juvenile on a post on
    the mudflats off the southwest corner this afternoon (14:10)

  • I have just read Alan's latest sightings and could not believe an osprey seen on marsh lane in hemingford grey, I was there today, then on to Fenstanton! Can you believe it!! :(

  • Alan. I suspect this is the same report for Thorney but it would appear to be a new bird as opposed to the one with missing primaries. www.sos.org.uk/index.php

  • Thanks Mike, sounds like a new bird.

    02/10 09:04  SUFFOLK : Osprey, Westleton Heath  [S]

    one flew south this morning

    02/10 11:17  CORNWALL : Osprey, Carnsew Basin  [S]
    one still this morning

    02/10 14:57  HAMPSHIRE : Osprey, Mottisfont  [S]
    one flew south carrying a
    fish this afternoon (13:50)

    02/10 20:00  DORSET : Osprey, Christchurch Harbour  [S]
    one flew over

    02/10 22:34  SUFFOLK : Osprey, Hen Reedbed SWT  [S]
    one over this morning

  • French migration watch point Col d'Organbidexka:

    1st October : 2 ospreys

    Redoute de Lindux

    1st October : 1 osprey