Osprey sightings 2013

France , Landes :

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013
Marais d'Orx
(Générique) / Orx (40)
2 Ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) [Yohann Montane ]

  • This is a well reported bird because the administrators of faune-charente-maritime also informed Roy Dennis. Ah well, better twice than not at all. They have made a note of the details on the faune-site "Il s'avère que cet individu a été marqué poussin le 7 juillet 2013 à Glengarry, dans l'Inverness-shire, en Ecosse (56 58’N 5 3’W)." Which gives the details of when & where, for those interested.

    Thankyou to Roy Dennis for taking the time to reply to my mail too.

    Best wishes

    Hazel in Southwest France

  • Thanks Noisette. Very interesting.

    Migration counts at Nabben, Falsterbo in Sweden:

    13th September : 3 ospreys

  • Thank you, Noisette. Well done.

  • 14/09 10:02  DEVON : Osprey, Cockwood  [S]

    one fishing offshore this morning (09:00)

    14/09 10:56  HAMPSHIRE : Osprey, Blashford Lakes HWT  [S]
    one flew over the
    main car park entrance with a fish this morning (09:15)

    14/09 12:26  DEVON : Osprey, Warleigh Point  [S]
    one still fishing on the
    River Tavy mid-morning (09:45)

    14/09 12:42  CAMBRIDGESHIRE : Osprey, Landbeach  [S]
    one reported in the area
    this morning for at least its 3rd day

    14/09 15:08  EAST SUSSEX : Osprey, Robertsbridge  [S]
    one flew over Bugsell
    Lane mid-afternoon (14:45)

    14/09 15:40  DEVON : Osprey, Topsham  [S]
    two on Exe Estuary off Goat Walk
    mid-afternoon (15:29)

    14/09 18:05  SOUTH YORKSHIRE : Osprey, Winscar Reservoir  [S]
    one flew
    southeast early evening (18:00)

    14/09 18:48  WEST YORKSHIRE : Osprey, Harden  [S]
    one flew ESE

    14/09 22:08  DORSET : Osprey, Morden Bog NNR  [S]
    one today

    14/09 22:34  NORFOLK : Osprey, Welney WWT  [S]
    one today

  • Migration counts at Nabben, Falsterbo in Sweden:

    14th September : 1 osprey

    French Migration Watchpoint Col d'Organbidexka:

    13th September : 1 osprey

  • Alan. One on the SOS site.www.sos.org.uk/index.php  Could well be the same one seen at Robertsbridge which is a few miles south.

  • hanks Mike.

    15/09 08:16  GLOUCESTERSHIRE : Osprey, Sharpness  [S]

    one flew south (08:08)

    15/09 10:09  DORSET : Osprey, Portland  [S]
    one flew south on west side of
    Portland between Chiswell and Weston (10:03)

    15/09 10:48  DORSET : Osprey, Lytchett Bay  [S]
    one flew over toward Holes
    15/09 10:54  HAMPSHIRE : Osprey, Romsey  [S]
    juvenile at Fishlake Meadows

    15/09 10:59  SURREY : Osprey, Unstead SF  [S]
    one flew west (10:03)

    15/09 11:43  DEVON : Osprey, Warleigh Point  [S]
    on River Tavy then flew
    toward Lopwell (09:00)

    15/09 12:02  ESSEX : Osprey, Hanningfield Reservoir  [S]
    again from Rawl and
    Point Hides mid-morning (10:00)

    15/09 12:29  HERTFORDSHIRE : Osprey, Hertingfordbury  [S]
    one fishing over
    lake mid-morning (10:45)

    15/09 14:16  DEVON : Osprey, Exe Estuary  [S]
    two hunting around Lympstone;
    also Garganey on Exminster Marsh

    15/09 14:24  WILTSHIRE : Osprey, Corsham Park  [S]
    one at Corsham Lake

    15/09 15:14  DEVON : Osprey, Chivenor  [S]
    one on post on the Taw Estuary
    this morning

    15/09 16:27  DEVON : Osprey, Bowling Green Marsh RSPB  [S]
    one flew downriver
    this afternoon (16:00)

    15/09 18:09  WEST SUSSEX : Osprey, West Itchenor  [S]
    one flew from South
    Stakes Island towards West Itchenor this morning (11:15)

    15/09 22:20  DEVON : Osprey, Exmouth  [S]
    one off Mudbank Lane t5/09 22:34  DEVON : Osprey, Lopwell Dam  [S]
    one today

  • French Migration Watchpoint Col d'Organbidexka:

    14th September : 2 ospreys

  • El Hondo:

    14th September Hondo PN & Vistabella Road

    2 Ospreys (1 ad, 1 juv) (Pandion haliaetus, Águila pescadora)

  • Migration counts at Nabben, Falsterbo in Sweden:

    15th September : 1 osprey