Hi All. Don't forget to check last page or so of previous week for all the latest! Granddaughter made excellent time to AZ - got there at 4 p.m. our time - an 8 hour ride with minimal (comparatively speaking) traffic through LA early this morning. Thunder received hysterical greeting from Pepito, tiny noisy companion who wondered where Thunder had gone but was much too noisy and excitable to bring along. Brought Oro home for successful visit after which I went on a hunt-and-scoop mission to clean up yard after two large dogs. Oh fun! Daughter and I watched Wallace and Gromit DVD (the "were-rabbit" one) - a hoot. OH and I just remembered we have tickets for Charlie Rose (PBS interviewer) this evening so have to hose myself down, prop open my eyelids and try to stay awake for another few hours. Why do these things start at 8 p.m.?!
Thanks Alan for reminder re Phoebe (keep reminding us since I'm so busy running and fetching); four big storms due this week with threat of flooding, high winds, power outages. Sounds like real weather!! TerryM: Will pass on gerbil story to hamster! Lindybird: All hankies put away now! :-) Congrats on the redecorating and dibnlib: I'm with you from now on - hire the folks who can do it in half the time (at four times the cost, yes, but....)
Off to comb hair and make self presentable. Have a nice Sunday all.
Lily is awake and it is daylight at the hummers nest.
Hello! Nearly all good news on here today! - Congrats to OG's son, on new job, thats wonderful. Hope he finds somewhere to live easily. Annette: Getting your car back must be such a relief. I hate having to find all the different controls for a car I'm not familiar with. We take turns driving when on holiday abroad, & of course its always right hand drive on the Continent, so you have to take extra care also as its for us, the 'wrong side of the road' - Husband groans when I crunch the gears etc. & can't find the wipers. Somehow I seem to survive! Its the fact that its an unfamiliar car that's the worst part, for me. Glad to hear your daughter is doing well.
patriciat: Sorry to hear that Fly has arthritis, its quite common I think in dogs. We are going to try a vitamin we heard about which seems to be a new idea, when our dog gets to that stage. (I take glucosamine, myself, for my joints, & it has helped a lot, so these things can work).
auntie: No housework!! That's a nice thought. You go on, & enjoy your time off. (as you are in the nursing profession, you deserve it; you are all Angels to me). Loved the thought of EJ with flower behind her ear, looking coy & waiting to be wooed. (courted that is, auntie).
Have done my Good Deed for the day, & sorted out my sister-in-law's central heating control: a maze of complication. That is, we think we have it beat, but won't know until she's had 24 hours of it coming on & off at the right times. I had a go at it the other day, but it ignored me completely & did its own thing, so today I had another go & studied the instruction book diligently- it was like learning a foreign language.
Must go & do houseworky things now before allowing myself to look at any of the webcams. Hope you are All having a Good Day!
Thanks everyone for kind comments re Son’s job!
Annette – I didn’t mean Dau#1 is looking for work – she’s busy with general “dabbling in this and that” where she is! What I meant was it would be nice to get the third (=first) one to Scotland sometime – but I am sure it wouldn’t happen while the two GDaus are still at school! Hope you get to see Oro today – just to remind him life is not all holidays!
Auntie – glad you are spending your free day so sensibly – and enjoying the wildlife film too!
OH just phoned to say he is on his way home – he did a little errand for me at the hospital on his way – had to fetch replacement mask for my CPAP machine (for sleep apnoea) as the old one was leaking and stopping me sleeping – could enjoy the new one if we hadn’t got to get up for the wretched drip all night!!!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
This compilation of Lily highlights is on Youtube:
Thanks, Alan, will have a look. Have just come from the Hummer webcam where Phoebe is sitting on the chicks - 752 viewers at present! Earlier, I called to my Husband to come & take a look, & when we got onto the site, lo & behold, she was away so there were two little heads bobbing about. Lovely.
OG Many congrats to your son on getting the job in G-0-S. Hope he'll like living there - it's a lovely place.
Hi all: Just watching Phoebe and can't get over how quiet it is in her neighborhood, weather-wise. We've had thunder and lightning, wild winds and pouring rain just two hours up the coast and it's heading her way - hope she doesn't get blown away!
Margobird: Yes, I love thunderstorms, but big, macho grandson gets freaked out! I imagine being that close to a doodlebug would be enough to make anyone sensitive to loud explosions, regardless of the source. Our cat Lightning, tried to hide under the slip cover on the couch when it all started, but no room for her so we arranged a little tent behind the couch under a nice dark throw (one of those little blankets you put over your knees - don't know what you call them there).
Alan: Thanks for yet another interesting link - I love the "action" weather shots. You can choose a weather option on Google Earth too, but not sure what exactly it shows.
Lindybird: If I had to drive a stick shift, I wouldn't know where to start. Have only ever driven automatics. Hope your efforts with sis-in-law's controls were not in vain. I put some frozen pizzas in our new super-duper oven the other day and turned on the controls just like on the old one; pizza turned out a bit odd, now I notice a special "Pizza" setting on the dial. Honestly!
OG: Ah so, now I understand comment re Dau#1. Geez; Sounds like sleeping is a doubly hard challenge with masks and leaks. :-(
Off to get car; take care everyone.
Annette: We call them 'throws' too. Our dog goes under the table when he hears thunder, he's a real wimp about it. I used to hate thunderstorms as we had some real humdingers when I live in the South of UK, but cured myself by having to reassure the children when they were small- found myself saying it was just the clouds bumping into each other, which was exactly what my father used to say to us.
I also don’t like thunderstorms. Once just missed getting struck by lightening. Had just been using phone and hung up (old fashioned wired and on cradle) when this flash of lightening came inside down the wire (overhead connection) through the phone and out down the earth wire! Scary!! M-i-L was there at the time and managed to make things worse by saying “I don’t know what the fuss is about”. Our first dog used to be so scared that I had to get under the table and hug him and make soothing noises to slow his pounding heart!
Aaaah! Poor doggie!
We have both been struck by lightening out in the open air, & survived (Kids say perhaps that's why I'm 'abnormal' - they are so caring!)