Hi All. Don't forget to check last page or so of previous week for all the latest! Granddaughter made excellent time to AZ - got there at 4 p.m. our time - an 8 hour ride with minimal (comparatively speaking) traffic through LA early this morning. Thunder received hysterical greeting from Pepito, tiny noisy companion who wondered where Thunder had gone but was much too noisy and excitable to bring along. Brought Oro home for successful visit after which I went on a hunt-and-scoop mission to clean up yard after two large dogs. Oh fun! Daughter and I watched Wallace and Gromit DVD (the "were-rabbit" one) - a hoot. OH and I just remembered we have tickets for Charlie Rose (PBS interviewer) this evening so have to hose myself down, prop open my eyelids and try to stay awake for another few hours. Why do these things start at 8 p.m.?!
Thanks Alan for reminder re Phoebe (keep reminding us since I'm so busy running and fetching); four big storms due this week with threat of flooding, high winds, power outages. Sounds like real weather!! TerryM: Will pass on gerbil story to hamster! Lindybird: All hankies put away now! :-) Congrats on the redecorating and dibnlib: I'm with you from now on - hire the folks who can do it in half the time (at four times the cost, yes, but....)
Off to comb hair and make self presentable. Have a nice Sunday all.
Just got back from grocery shopping. OG, decided to do NO housework today, just pamper myself.
Tiger wrote on the "EJ-thread" about EJ returning around March 25th which date was up until 1750 known as Lady Day, and now I am having a mental picture of EJ wearing a white gardenia behind her "ear" LOL
my photos in flickr
Good morning original goldfinch birds here are tucking in well too. They obviously stocked up yesterday when it was quite chilly. Today it is milder and dull, please send some of your sunshine. It is so depressing when it is just so dark all the time.
Morning auntie glad you are going to have a pamper day. Housework can wait especially if you go out to work. I am lucky that I am retired so once my daily tasks are finished I just enjoy all that is going on here. Have a good day.
Unknown said: Just got back from grocery shopping. OG, decided to do NO housework today, just pamper myself. Tiger wrote on the "EJ-thread" about EJ returning around March 25th which date was up until 1750 known as Lady Day, and now I am having a mental picture of EJ wearing a white gardenia behind her "ear" LOL
Actually I made a mistake there. I should have said 1752 which was the first year in England to have new year as 1st January. Of course Scotland changed on 1st January 1600. So there must have been a period of time when for 84 days each year Scotland and England were in a different year. Then they complain about the possibility of England and Scotland being in different time zones now.
I like the idea of preparing something to adorn EJ when she arrives. Not sure she would wear it though.
A short explanation of the calendar changes here. See http://www.britannica.com/bps/additionalcontent/18/7343527/The-Gregorian-Calendar-Adopted-in-England
Tiger Signature
Hi Margobird, we are having a "baby boy blue" sky now, it reminded me of Rhys.
Tiger, thanks for that link, interesting read. I think EJ would appreciate trout over flower :) And more so from her suitor (Odin hopefully) than from humans
Just imagining EJ's face if Odin were to fly in and present her with a white gardenia!!!
Son just phoned: got the job in Grantown-on-Spey! subject to the usual references and disclosure. Now has to find somewhere to live!!! This is after two and a half years without full-time work, so you can imagine how we all feel.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
OG That sounds real good news. A job near the ospreys is about as good as it gets!
Afternoon everyone from TI,
Lots to read today to catch up on.
Annette : Thanks for letting us know about Phoebes second chick. I was quite surprised as it was not due until 21st.
Diane : I also saw the moose on the Estonia site and I think you are right. It is a salt lick.
Tiger: Interesting that Scotland and England were on different years at one time.
I have just found out that Gordon Buchanan is going to be filming Lily in the spring.
This morning I was on a routine shopping mission to Sainsburys. It was completed without incident.
OG : Congratulations on your son getting the job.
Weather today is cloudy and dry.
Temp 4.3c , Sunrise 07:58 , Sunset 16:24.
OG, so glad to hear your son's terrific news. He must be so happy.
Sleet has arrived here ( E. Sussex)but have just been sent a photograph of relative's garden, (W. Sussex) which is white again with snow. Not expected to be much snow though.
Hazel b said: OG That sounds real good news. A job near the ospreys is about as good as it gets!
Must admit, that was one of my first thoughts! Also glad that we again have two of our chicks north of the border! Only Daughter#1 to work on again now!