Your Favourite Moment of the 2012 Osprey Season

It is that time of year again when as the osprey season draws to a close and  it is good to look back and reflect on the season just. Once more it has had its fair share of dramas and its usual soap like quality.

Last year on exactly the same day I started the equivalent thread for 2011

Also   2010

So how was it for you?

  • The return of EJ........and Odin........and Lady....and the rescue of Ceulan......and the safe return of Blue....and......and....and

  • There are 3 memories which will stand out for me. The first is a sad, but memorable one in the struggle of Chick 3 (Bravery) when weather conditions changed for the worst. The shortage of fish brought with it the struggle for survival, and with 2 bigger sisters Little One didn't stand much of a chance. But he will always be a special osprey.

    The second one is Ceulan's rescue - a happy end to a traumatic time.

    Lastly, the one that makes me laugh a lot, was when Odin had been skydancing with a fish. He landed on the nest where EJ had been watching, and EJ tore it out of his talons with such relish and passion....I  feel this wasn't the result dear Odin had been expecting!

  • I didn't like to mention little Bravery for fear of upsetting people, but perhaps my favourite memory, along with Ceulan's rescue, is the little fellow moving sticks to help with the HW As you special

  • Its not exciting really compared to some of the other events, but the Return of EJ each year is such a highlight for ALAN has said.

    PLUS -   Now that she is reaching such an advanced age, also the return of the valiant and feisty LADY at LotL.

  • The return of EJ and Odin is always very special for me but the safe return of Blue 44 at LotL after fledging was just wonderful. To see Lady give him such a telling off, was quite extraordinary, and gives us another wonderful insight into the behaviour of these truly amazing birds. Simply magic.

  • For me the return of Lady has to be the special moment for me followed by the rescue of Ceulan but then so many special moments ......

  • I missed this thread earlier on so will add my favourite moments which are much the same as everyone elses.

    The return of EJ and Lady is very special, always such a relief to see them back safely again.

    The return of Odin to see off Blue XD without injury and for them to go on to have 2 chicks and 1 chick resp.

    The highlight has to be the rescue of Ceulan but what sticks in my memory most is when he was put back into the nest and to see Nora feeding him after only 20 minutes was the most memorable!     If she hadn't we wouldnt be watching his exciting migration today, so a round of applause for Nora.

    There are many more but the list would go on and on LOL...

    EDIT: Oh I forgot about the video of Nora nodding off, that was a favourite of mine I play that video often.

  • I am glad I have not said my fav moment yet as the tracking season is so exciting.

  • Unknown said:

    It was the return of EJ for me as I was watching the webcam as she landed.

    My favourite moment was watching that on YouTube.  Unadulterated joy.

  • Here it is again. Pity about the tele in the background: