Weekly Chat, Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy Sunday all UK folks and Hi to those in the Eastern US and Down Under and, of course, Auntie in Finland.  Don't forget to check out the last posts from last week; I'll be back later to check on them myself!


  • DIANE  thanks for your kind thoughts. OH Aunt died a month before we were told (long story) The funeral was apparanty on Xmas eve but we assume that as with his Uncle it would have been a no mourners affair. A very good idea I think, then no one feels the need to travel enormous distances to meet up with relatives they don' t get on with and disagreements occur. Nuff said!!!!

  • ALAN Wonderful shot of moose   thank you.. We holidayed in Alaska in 2000 and saw a few moose but not in the dark. Magnificent animals.

  • Morning all: Granddaughter just drove off to Arizona leaving daughter and me all boohooey. This country is too big!  She'll be there (Prescott) in about 9 hours. Sent her off with snacks for the road; she'll only stop for gas and to walk Thunder.   I'll go get other dog, Oro, from humane society this morning for home visit, but we'll keep him there for another little while since cat is now schizophrenic about various dogs in "her" backyard and Oro is much more lively and demanding than ancient Thunder, who's happy to loll about.  Also, Oro appears to like the social life at his vacation spot.  Cat has also found her way, when we're not looking, to hamster's cage, so need to keep an eye out for her sneaky moves.  Hamster is turning out to be least demanding house guest at this point. Sigh.

    Alan: Great shot of the moose/elk (I forgot which). 

    Off to shower; take care everyone. Have been reading but not much time to respond individually.

  • Busy, busy, putting stuff back today, & getting ready to go out to a 90th b'day Party tonight.   So sorry to hear that not only have you both been unwell, dibnlib, but that you have had a sad bereavement.  My condolences. Hope you are both feeling a little better today. Thanks to Caerann  for the great photo of the Xcel nestboxes. 

    Tiger:   Interesting info, as usual, from you re the eclipse.  TerryM:   Like you, I finished the last couple of slices of the terrys choc Orange from the bottom of my Christmas stocking last night! Have been trying to spin it out as no more now for a long time :-[   but as there were only 4 slices left, they went!    Alan:  Sorry to hear about your shopping experience, afraid us ladies are like that sometimes, frightened of missing a possible bargain!  Expect it was nice to 'get out of the house' anyway, after recent bad weather keeping us all in too much. Give Hamish a hug from me- ours is still moulting, so fur everywhere & he has to be brushed every day, on the lawn. (he doesn't mind tho)

    Must dash off,  Bye.....

  • Just overlapped with your message, Annette.   Nearly got my own hanky out, imagining you & daughter boohooing!   At least it will be a little quieter in the Zoo you now call home...  Keep an eye on that hamster, just the right size for a pussycats mouth. Take Care of yourself.

  • Annette, your hamster will probably be safer than the gerbil I had when first married. The first in a long line of cats turned up to adopt us and he got interested in the gerbil, which I could no longer take out of his cage. He used to flick his tail out through the bars just to tease and one day the cat joined in the play and whipped off the end of his tail - just the skin though, so there was a bare piece of tail bone showing  ~ :((  He kept it in the cage after that!

    Terry in Cumbria

  • Hi everyone.

    The snow is nearly all melted away here, with just a few small patches left.  I reckon those should be gone in a few days.  Was delighted to have a goldcrest visit me today but sadly didn't get any pictures.

    Diane:  I hope you enjoyed the werewolf film, in those spooky conditions.

    Tiger:  Thanks for the solar eclipse link.  Those are fantatsic images.

    Alan:  Thanks for the moose picture.  I hope you get brighter weather soon.

    dibnlib:  Thanks for the food reccomendation.  If I'm ever up that way I hope to give it a try.

    Happy Saturday everyone.


    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • LINDYBIRD Thanks for condolences. Although Margaret lived in Dorset and so it was some years since we visited we did keep in contact by letter and the occassional phone call and she was OHs fav relative.

    Well done on your decorating, We are doind it the lazy way and having a decorator in to wallpaper living room and family bathroom. Finally chose the paper today and expect work to begin in Feb. We are also having a new ceiling and lighting in living room a new fire surround and inset fire so expect great things when the work is done. They are tradesmen we always use and you can't fault their work so we always feel they are worth paying out for. Always wonder why people go to uni to study weird and wonder subjects that get them nowhere when you know what these guys charge, but as I say worth every penny

  • Just a reminder that Phoebe s eggs are due to hatch between 19th and 21st January probably early in the morning there in OC Cal. Here is a screenshot of Phoebe taken today:

  • Saturday nearly gone – another dreary day but never really cold – sunshine for about an hour early afternoon.  Cheered ourselves up with plans and bookings for two spring trips north – one a family celebration, the other a short holiday.  More reading than commenting today, but decided to get this on before new chat starts.  Just been playing catch-up on I-player because setting of HDD “went wrong” last Sunday and this was last chance to see!

    Dibnlib – made a note of your garden centre as a place to look out for near Culloden/Inverness!  We like to eat at garden centres – often very good food and prices!

    Annette – sorry you are missing granddaughter – but guess not exactly missing Thunder!  Knowing Oro is happy boarding out makes life a bit easier – but hope Cat and Hamster don’t have a close encounter!


    Take care all – see you tomorrow.  Good night/evening/morning.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!